Why You Can’t Rely on Social Media Alone to Grow Your Business

I know we alllll see (and admittedly follow) influencers of every kind on social media. Honestly, it is pretty cool how you can make a living off of showing your face on a screen every day. That's not the majority of us, though. We may upload some photos from time to time or even try to market our business online, but we'll probably never reach “influencer status”, and truthfully, I don't want to 🤭

If you're like me and get caught up with thinking you have to show up on social media to be successful in your business or struggle with the idea of wanting to stay private with the details of your life while continuing to find clients, then cool! Let's talk, let's talk about WHY you can't rely on social media alone to grow your business:

1. You don't own your social media platform 🏠

Sorry to tell ya this, friend, but tomorrow you could wake up and everything you've ever posted would be gone 👀 I know because it happened to me!! My business Instagram account (which, let's be honest, I never really used) was hacked not too long ago. All of my pictures were deleted along with most of my friends list.  

I followed some pretty cool accounts which I gained inspiration from, learned from, and even some clients of mine. I had to go find them all again 😭

2. Long-form content is back, baby! 📝

 Well, it was never really gone in the first place but we can't deny that TikTok has made all of our attention spans significantly worse over the past several years. While short-form videos and captions can be helpful and even fun, long-form content (like your emails!!) is where you can provide the most value to your audience. You can share as much as you want, you OWN your email list (meaning it won't disappear like my IG did), and you can connect with your subscribers in a way that other social media platforms make it harder to do.


3. The algorithm….  🙃

How does my phone know that I just fought with my husband and then I instantly see a video on 5 tips for resolving conflict??? It's scaryyy good at figuring me out. But, the algorithm ALSO prioritizes certain content on your friend's feed… so, often, the new post you spent so much time creating and editing may never pop up for them. It's the name of the game, and unfortunately, you can't rely on the algorithm alone to get your content in front of those who need and want to see it!

4. The competition is HOT 🔥

There are SO many posts, opinions, and courses to buy… how do you decide what’s right for you? It’s hard to do when it seems like everyone and their mom are waving their business, product, etc., in your face. Not saying this is bad! It’s marketing. It’s advertising. It’s… important! But, if you rely on that tactic alone, it’s a race to the bottom. Having something else that is YOURS makes you stand out and gives you a place to send your potential clients so you can build value, connect with them, and provide something special for them that they may not be getting on social media.

That’s it for now, friend. Looking for more support with your email marketing? Check out my services page to see where we could work together to transform your email marketing from an impossible task to a thriving avenue for revenue 💵💛


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